Thanksgiving and Christmas Decorations

This year we were so happy to have family over for Thanksgiving. We had a lot of fun eating, hanging out, and playing games. I really loved seeing Libby's older cousins and being able to look forward to Libby going through those developmental milestones. It was great to see my sister after so long and catch up.

Libby and Her Older Cousin

The Cute Cousin Girls

Jason and The Dogs
The Kids Watching TV

So Cute!!
We didn't really have time to decorate for Christmas until this last week, since Jason was pretty busy at work with Black Friday and I have been sick with a cold. I loved decorating though and really enjoyed watching Libby and Daddy play with the train together.

Jason Decorating

Adding Ornaments
Libby Chillin' While We Decorate 

Jason and Libby playing with the train under the tree. 

Christmas Tree!!
The Dogs and The Tree