Speech Therapy For Liberty

Jason and I have been pretty concerned about Liberty's speech development since about the time she turned 2 and only said a handful of words. After battling with our doctor for 6 months we finally received a referral to a speech evaluation clinic. Then after finding out our insurance didn't cover the place we were referred to we searched for a free evaluation. Finally, we got in to a have Liberty receive a speech evaluation. We went to the speech evaluation and they referred us to a local government run program with no results given as to whether or not she needed speech therapy. Finally last month, 8 months after we finally started to show concern about her speech, we found out through a detailed general evaluation through the local government run program that she is 40% delayed in speech development, but not significantly delayed in any other areas. This may sound weird, but I was excited to FINALLY have clarification on where she was behind. At that time it was recommended she start speech therapy, and then when she turns 3 and ages out of the current program she will start preschool. The speech therapy until she turns 3 is done in our home which is very nice, and at the preschool a speech therapist will work with her a couple days a week.

This last week she finally started speech therapy!!!! It is a 45 minute session once a week where she comes to our home and teaches Jason and myself how to teach Liberty to say more words. The first week the speech pathologist worked with us on saying and repeating single words. The week leading up to yesterday's appointment I realized I already do that quite a bit in our day to day life, but when I actually sit and spend time focusing on a handful of words she learns faster. 

Yesterday the speech pathologist told us to NOT use questions or commands and instead say statements. If I do use questions I am supposed to give choices. This is to take off pressure of her communication load. At first I was like yeah no problem, but after one day I realized I ask questions to my girls ALL THE TIME! 

I specifically noticed this while driving yesterday after the appointment. During driving I frequently talk with my girls about what they are going to do when we get home, since Madison is really not the most patient car riding child. It struck me that I mostly ask questions like "What are we going to do when we get home?" "Do you want to play with blocks?". Instead after one question I corrected myself by saying, "I think we should play with blocks when we get home.". Liberty responded, "blocks". This got me really excited, since I rarely have "conversations" with Liberty. I then said, "I think we should get the block table out." She again said, "blocks". Then I added, "I think we should get the chairs out when we get home." She then said, "chairs". I was AMAZED at how she was actually trying to have a conversation with me. 

I have noticed a huge verbal improvement with Liberty over the last couple of weeks, and I look forward to hearing even more! 

Another thing the Speech-Language Pathologist told us was to get a vibrating toothbrush. I think for muscle and sensory stimulation, but I don't really remember.

She was excited!

I was not surprised though. She loves brushing her teeth!


  1. Keep these updates coming! Our youngest will be two in July and only says a handful of words, as well. I'm thinking we need to start talking to our doc about it so we can start doing what you've done!

  2. I would say skip the doctor! Unless your doctor jumps to get a referral for him to a speech therapist at his 2 year appointment. I found out in my first session with the local government run program that I DIDN'T need a referral from my doctor to get an evaluation. I would say to check with your local school district or maybe a social worker. They may know whether or not their is a local program near you.
