DR Congo Adoption... Adoption Brain

This is my brain lately!!
When I was pregnant with my first two children I had pretty bad pregnancy brain. I have heard that it is a hormonal thing, but I never believed it and thought it was more of a brain on overload from thinking so much about the plans to prepare for the new baby and the new baby's arrival. That has to be what it is, because ever since we started this adoption I have been running around losing and forgetting things. Plus feeling like I misspell everything even though I rarely do!! Not to mention the overload of preparedness and learning I cram into my brain about adoption and the DR Congo. I do this probably twenty times a day where I go to get something and come back with out it or walk around like "what did I need again?"(normally it is like 10 times a day... bahahahaha). Plus, yesterday we were completing some paperwork stuff that needed to be sent out and I thought I left the stamps at home, but they were right where I had put them. That one actually annoyed me!!

Click Here for Interesting Insight Into Pregnancy Brain

And the Mother bird begins to build her nest.

Oh yes did I mention "nesting"?!?!? I am already planning out his room and planning out how the girls will share a room. Plus, I keep thinking of starting a Lifebook and scrapbooks for him which leads me to get back to work at the girls scrapbooks. Jason and I have dived in full steam ahead with the Homestudy and the Dossier too. Paperwork is flying out as soon as it gets in! :-) I am so excited for everything and we can not wait to meet our boy!!!!!

Click Here for Interesting Insight Into The Nesting Instinct

Photo Credits: FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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