Potty Training

Liberty Went Potty on The Potty For The First Time
Although this is a very exciting moment for me, since I have two in diapers, I realize it was probably a lucky "shot". It did however get me amped up about potty training and I started to research into different potty training techniques. I was told by one of my siblings that after they "potty trained" their first two children that they were never going to "train" their children to go on the potty again, so my approach has been more of an example(show her how I go potty) and explaining to her about how the potty process works. I found it interesting as I was reading that some of these potty training techniques are exactly what I have already been doing including just telling Libby when I can tell she is going poo and asking "Are you pooing?".
I think it will be a little while before she is really ready, but I was still supper excited!!

A Few Links I Found Helpful
Baby Center- Potty Training Advice- A whole bunch of info!
Toilet Training Your Child- Super simple advice.
Dr. Phil's Method- I don't really know what to think here...
How to Potty Train - The Five Potty Training Methods- I really like the pros and cons lists!!